CoroKoschka - Siberian Kittens - Hamilton

New Zealand Siberian Cat Breeder with pure traditional Siberian Forest Cat Lines

Siberian Breed - hypoallergenic cats

Traditional Siberian Cats are well known for hypoallergenic condition.

Since 2017, we tested many cat-allergic   people 
who have done a "face to fur" test in our home.
"no allergic reaction at all"  
... and if any rarely, then only a very minor reaction.

About hypoallergenic cats, ​please consider:​
causes for allergies are very individual & complex. 
Often a cocktail of other factors.

Nobody can give you a complete guarantee for
"not reacting allergic, even to the Siberian cats"  
but our "traditional bloodline Siberian cats" gave proof
within our years long operation: 
all of our "face to fur" tested visitors have been fine & happy.
If you are allergic to cats, you should "face to fur test"  your personal situation with our adult cats and perhaps kittens at this time,
(of sneeze/eyes/asthma/skin etc.)
perhaps to mention:
In our specific case can we tell, that our former local Vet has been allergic to Cat's FelD1 and didn't have any allergic reaction (hands/arms/nose) at all when treating our kittens.


Corokoschka breeds only the "traditional Siberian bloodline" who never have been crossed with the Sister Breed
NEVA Masquerade "Sealpoint". The traditional bloodline Siberians are famous for the best hypoallergenic conditions. 

Siberian Cats are one of the most special breeds that exist, because of their intelligence, agility, strength and affectionate behaviour. Some people say:  "they behave like companions & wait for you, similar like a dog". They look like wild cats, they are incredibly friendly, playful, gentle, warm and enthusiastic.
Therefore they make ideal pets for the whole family, both for adults and children. They also get on well with other animals.

One of an important characteristics of Siberian cats is that they are extremely intelligent. They enjoy participating in family activities, and are even capable of imitating what people around them do. They perfectly understand voice tone and clear messages. That is why it is usual to talk to them.

Compared to other cats, Siberian cats are quite large. Adult males weigh between 8 and 10 kg, whilst the females tend to weigh between 6 and 8 kg. Their head is round-shaped.  Their eyes make them unique.  They move very elegantly. Siberian cats are classed as semi-longhaired cats. Their coat thick and glossy, water repellent and when regularly groomed almost tangle-free.  They have a remarkably soft and furry tummy, neck, legs and tail.  Siberian cats originate from the forested areas of Russia. They are part of the group of 3 'Forest Cats', namely the Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat. The Siberians are the native cats of Russia which is well known as a healthy breed.

One of the main reasons why Siberian cats have become so popular is because they are hypoallergenic. They produce low levels of protein FelD1, which is why over  80% of people allergic to cats are not actually allergic (or much less allergic) to this particular breed.

Kittens are short-haired at birth. They mature slowly within 3 to 5 years time. They become long-haired at about three months of age.

Siberian cats like all semi long hairs need weekly grooming to keep their coat in good order. Bathing will also help remove excess fur when they go into a summer coat from the heavy winter coat. It is a waterproof coat and generally easy to care for.

About Cat Allergy


The hypoallergenic characteristics of Siberian Cats allow many people who have allergies to enjoy living with their faithful pet without suffering any allergic reactions to their pet.

The protein Fel D1 is the main allergen that causes problems for cat allergy sufferers. It is mainly present in the saliva, skin and sebaceous glands of a cat and not, as many mistakenly believe, in the cat's hair.

That's why a cat as furry as a Siberian cat can be considered hypoallergenic.

Cats transfer the allergen from their saliva to their hair when they groom themselves, and when the saliva is dry, it mixes with flakes of skin, becomes the dander (airborne) and disperses around the house. That's why when someone with a cat allergy enters a house where a cat lives, they immediately notice symptoms without actually being in direct contact with the cat.

The Fel D1 protein is the cause of over 80% of cat allergies. The remaining 20% react to other allergens present on the cat. Ideally, cat allergy sufferers will visit the Corokoschka Cattery first and check their reaction to a prospective kitten to buy.

Hypoallergenic cats produce fewer allergens than other cats. No breed is totally non-allergic, however these cats lower the risk of an allergic reaction.

Siberian cats are known to produce a very low quantity of Fel D1 in their saliva,  because this breed in particular does not have the sequence of Fel D1 in its DNA. This means that many cat allergy sufferers can tolerate  Siberian cats without experiencing any allergic symptoms.

It is important to note that only purebred cats are considered to be hypoallergenic. If you are looking to adopt a Siberian cat to reduce the risk of experiencing an allergic reaction to your cat, it is essential to make sure that the breeder can provide a pedigree that proves its purity. The pedigree is the only reliable evidence of the genealogy of an animal.

Please consider - everybody has got his own conditions to be allergic to cats. 
Nobody can give you a complete security "not reacting allergic, even to the Siberians"  
some FelD1 test certificate is a fine indicator but no guarantee for everybody. 
If you are allergic to cats, you should test your personal situation, visiting your chosen breeders place before.

The degree of allergic reaction to these animals can vary considerably from one cat to another, so we can only recommend to you on visiting Corokoschka Cattery before committing to any cat or a life without cats.